A greater Glory

By Chad Taylor

A greater glory is coming that surpasses the efforts of man. A greater glory is coming that will eclipse the former in a moment of time. I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh not just a few. I am going to pour out My Spirit on you despite yourself. I am going to fill you with a Spirit of joy and fire.

I am going to pour out a glory that books have not written about. I am going to pour out a glory that cannot be captured in photographs and news articles. Only the hearts of the healed will be able to contain this glory says the Lord. A glory that crushes the feeble walls of division that separates and segregates. A glory that will cause My church to finally see her true destiny, the nations.

I will pour out a glory in the coming days that will heal the demon possessed in a twinkling of an eye. No books will define their deliverance, it will be supernatural. Like Legion, they will be in their right mind and fully clothed. This kind of glory will you walk in. This kind of glory will My people of sacrifice experience. Willing to sacrifice religious dogmas and rituals. Willing to embrace My true liberty of love and grace.

A glory that will tear down ancient gates of poverty and sickness that control whole cities and regions. My people will stand at the gates of these places and pull them down. From these places will come a harvest that periodicals and pictures cannot express. No statistics or numbers will be able to calculate what I am about to do. Through you.

I will pour out My Spirit on your handmaidens and upon your servants in this hour. No one will be out shined or put down in this hour. They will all walk in My Spirit and shine. They will walk into the cities of different countries and My glory will shine round about them. Kings will come to the brightness of its rising. Generational curses and bondages will break in a blinking of an eye. Whole countries will be set free from these missionaries of glory.

My glory will compel an army of youth into the nations. They will rise up amid mid-terms in colleges and universities to go. In mid stride toward their futures they will stop and go. I will send them like I sent Paul the Apostle. They will go where Christ has not been preached. To the uttermost parts of the earth.

My glory will draw whole cities together for meetings that will last weeks, months, and years. I will give a special anointing to some churches to even sustain city wide revival for years. All tribes and tongues will come in with no other agenda but to praise Me. No other focus but My heart. They will leave My glory cloud and take their city. Public places will become healing centers and glory houses as I move through My people. The simple and the contrite.

My glory will be seen in this hour. Not a glory that builds ministries or people, but a glory that builds My Kingdom. Those that seek first My Kingdom will see this glory. They will see Me high and lifted up even in this present life. They will see My face in all of its splendor and might. Look up My people, the harvest is white with My glory.

Chad Taylor