Acts Chapter 8
"At that time a great persecution arose
against the church which was at Jerusalem..."
A harassing wind is stirred against My people in the coming
season and year. The hot winds of persecution are beginning to
blow. The locust are rising from the pit of despair to torment
those upon the earth. Gross darkness shall be upon the people.
"And they were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles..." This wind of harassment will cause many to be scattered like sheep without a shepherd, tossed to and fro seemingly with no direction. Like Joseph, many will be sold and rejected by those of their own flesh and blood. Rejected and driven out of their own homeland. Sold into slavery and outcast. But what they have meant for evil I have meant for good says the Lord. The stones that the builders have rejected I will gather to Myself and build a habitation for My Spirit in the perils to come. The very ones who have hated and scorned you will be the very ones this habitation saves. My Spirit of wisdom and revelation shall prepare My children for the times at hand. In My love they will welcome those that once rejected and drove them away. I have a purpose in all of this says the Lord. "Except the apostles..." My apostolic order will be in place and will not be moved. They will be the tent stakes that strengthen this habitation of restoration. Upon this foundation I will build My church.
"Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word..." A time of gathering and evangelism will explode from this scattering, ushering in the greater works that I have promised. Philips shall rise from the ranks to enter every dark place upon the earth translating millions into the Kingdom of My dear Son. No Samaria will be untouched by this witness of My power and love. Great joy will visit the cities of the earth even in the midst of this calamity. My name will be known throughout the world once again. I will confirm the word with signs following.
"...and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed..." The healing power of My compassion will be restored to the hands of My servants. The lame will walk, and the deaf will hear, and the blind shall surely see. This is the hour of the restoration of all things says the Lord.
"But there was a certain man called Simon..." Those in high places shall be brought low. Ones who have held My people captive by their sorceries will be removed. Many in great authority in the kingdom of darkness shall be saved. Multitudes will wonder at My grace and power to do this. Icons in the music industry and Hollywood arena will be converted and begin preaching the gospel they once persecuted. Sauls will be transformed into Pauls overnight. The "stars" will now shine for Christ. I will hasten it to come to pass says the Lord. My Name will gain fame in the next Olympic games. Like a torch It shall be lifted up for all the world to see. I will be glorified in this. My Name shall be written on the backs of many in this coming Olympic event. As a sign and a shadow of those that I am training to run and not be weary in the coming millenium. To endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. They will arise and shine and the whole earth shall behold its brightness. See if all this and much more does not come to pass says the Lord.
"Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, "Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza..." This is the hour of divine commissioning. Many will see the divine call and go. A great time of harvest is upon the earth. The laborers are being put into place and sent. The net of world evangelism is being knit together in love to hold the great draught to come. Yes! Throw the net and see if My word is true and sure! Try Me in this day says the Lord, if I will not do all this and more!!
"I believe that
Jesus Christ is the Son of God." The
simplicity of Christ is rising in the hearts of My people. They
have determined not to know anything among them except Jesus
Christ and Him crucified. They have become all things to all men
that they might save some. They have hazarded their lives for the
gospel's sake. They have counted all things as dung that they can
gain Me. Striving for the prize of the upward call in Christ
Jesus. They are crucified with Me. And all will see and wonder...
Taking the streets to the church
and compelling them to go out...
Chad Taylor (10/20/98) USA
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