Africa Awake!

By Chad Taylor


Africa awake to your destiny! For in you is a prophetic seed that is about to break the ground of persecution. From you is coming a tree of righteousness and soundness. Its leaves will be for a shelter for the nations of the earth. For in you is a prophetic seed, an apostolic seed; in you is a cornerstone to My last days Church, a pillar in My temple and a living stone.

Africa awake to your destiny! For in the days to come you will see changes that topple the magistrates and the hierarchy that permits the death of My children. You will see it and be glad, you will say in your hearts, “The Lord is gracious and has not forgotten us!” The world will report of it and know that the Lord is in you. The seats of authority will turn, they will turn like water before the face of the Lord.

Africa awake to your destiny! For your children shall sing a new song! Your children will see a song of Jubilee! I will break now the curses that have brought drought and famine. Through your children’s prayers I will break the chains that hang on your nations neck. I will loose you from this heavy burden and give you rest. I will unlock the gates of bronze, and I will give you the treasures out of darkness says the Lord.

Africa awake to your destiny! For from you will come a company, a troop, a brigade, they will march with a blazing message of My love! They will march to the steps of destiny and they will bring a Word of the Lord to the uttermost parts of the earth. From you O Africa will come My generals, and My commanders. From you will come a company of prophets that the earth has yet to see! You will prophesy to the winds of the earth and they will carry the life of My word to the nations.

Africa awaken to your destiny! This is your hour of liberation! This is your year of jubilee! Africa! Awaken to your destiny! You will speak My word in this season. You will set in motion these end time events. You will set My house in order. For the seed of prophecy is springing up even now in you, it will shortly bud and bear fruit. It will shortly cast its shadow upon the whole earth, and many shall hear of it and be glad.

Africa awaken to your destiny! This is your year of jubilee!

Chad Taylor
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