A Prayer Of Jesus
Chad Taylor
Father forgive My church for forgetting their first love. Forgive them Father for disregarding the reason that I had first come to this earth, 'to save that which was lost'. Forgive them Father, for overlooking the hurt and pain that stares at them everyday from the streets and corners. From the business place and the market place. Father forgive them for the apathy and indifference that grips their hearts and causes them to fear the ones that I have died for. Forgive them for knowing Me for so long and not changing the hearts of the dying and desperate they see and pass by every day. Father Forgive them...
Father forgive My pastors for teaching a gospel of wealth instead of compassion. Forgive them Father for leading My people astray with promises instead of demonstrating Your power. Forgive them Lord for ignoring the widow and the orphan and yet in pretense building bigger and bigger buildings. Bigger and larger projects, and yet the children still wander to an fro with nowhere to go. Father forgive them ...
Forgive the Church Lord for chasing after Me and yet forgetting the least of their brethren in the streets. Forgive them Lord for overlooking your commandment to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature..." Father, have mercy on a church so wealthy yet in poverty spiritually. Lacking the courage and boldness to change the course of the masses in their cities and nation. Father, I ask you to shake these congregations again, shake them with the power of Your love, until they flow from the Church into the marketplaces like a mighty river. Father I pray, before it is to late...
Father forgive Your prophets for not sounding the trumpet from Zion, to call a solemn assembly and gather the warriors to Your holy mountain. Father forgive them for prophesying for hire, and making the gospel of no effect. Father forgive them for their lack of understanding and compassion for the lost and dying of this present world. Father forgive them for not mobilizing Your army when they first heard the trumpet sound and thus losing millions of souls to hell. Forgive them for gathering Your people from one meeting to the next never reaching out into the darkness that pervaded the cities they gathered in. Father forgive them, for they surely know not what they do...
Father forgive a world that has ignored You and ignored Your persistent pleas to repent. Father forgive the leaders that have promised change but have continued in their course of envy and strife. Father forgive Your Church for not demonstrating love and mercy between one another, thus confirming hatred and emulation. Father I beseech Thee! Forgive them My God!
Father forgive your evangelists for exchanging the attire of the simple and common man for the fancy and expensive, thus distancing themselves from the hurt and pain of the world. Seemingly forgetting the way I walked this earth not so long before them, "...having no form or comeliness [royal or kingly pomp] that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him..." (Isaiah 53:2 Amplified) Forgive them Father for losing the zeal that once compelled them into the darkest places to shine Your light. Now they are content with church campaigns and conferences. Father forgive them. And Father convict them once again and provoke them to good works and to love.
Father, raise up an army from the ashes of compromise and religion! Let it shine like it did when we first shared in the glory of creation! Let it shine greater than what they experienced in the first years of the Church! Let them grasp the passion of Our heart Father! Let them walk in this love that sent Your only Son to die on a tree! Father, touch their lips with a coal from the altar, let them again hear the Voice in Heaven decree, "Whom shall we send? Who will go for us?" Let the cry of the Bride be again, "HERE AM IS SEND ME!"
Chad Taylor
Email: lionheart@gci.net
Webpage: www.consumingfire.com
Jeremiah 4:19...