A Season of Silence
"But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you have not believed my words which will be fulfilled in their own time." (Luke 1:20).
A season of silence has kept the church in a place of immobility. She has stood on the fringes of the world like a spectator waiting for Her chance to enter the game. Her chance to reap a harvest and take the prize. As Zechariah, Her lips have been sealed for an appointed time that they would speak of a greater glory and a new revelation. "Until the days these things take place " was the time line in Heaven, the starting gun to go off and set the Church into the Harvest fields white and ripe.
The promise was of a Child that kept the lips of Zechariah silent. A Child that would "Give knowledge of Salvation to His people " He was not only speaking of John on the day of his prophecy, but of the "Dayspring"! The Messiah! Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary! "My words which will be fulfilled in their own time," had come upon them in the form of a Child, but not only a Child, but an era of the Church, a revival of religion, a reformation in the dry dank halls of philosophy and law. A signpost that would mark the vast landscape of eternity forever.
Zechariah prophesied of a season of Harvest and revival. A time that would, "give light to those who sat in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide our feet in the way of peace." (Luke 1:79). His season of silence had ended and a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord had come. The lame would walk, the blind would see, the dead would live again in this great season of revival. The reaper would now overtake the sower, and the immense harvest of captive humanity would hear the words of the "Life, the Truth, and the Way "
In this day and hour we find the church in a similar state of silence. Unprepared, and sometimes even unwilling to reach out into the dark waters of hopelessness and save a soul. A silence that has made her mute to a world so desperate for Her words. Zechariahs sin was unbelief, he could not comprehend such a thing that the angel declared. He could not sound out the depths of its possibilities. He was stunned into silence. Taken aback by the magnitude of what was promised.
Yet in the midst of his state of silence the promise still echoed in his mind and heart, "Until the days these things take place " A time when the ground would shake and hardened humanity would cry out, "What must we do to be saved?" When the veil would be violently torn, making way for the billions yet to be born. A time when all men could "believe in their heart that God has raised Him from the dead, and be saved " A season when the press would be so great that the roof would be torn from its place to get access to this great grace. When Heaven would be in a state of explosive expansion from the billions that stood at Her gates. Harvest was what Zechariah saw! A great harvest of souls! A great influx and spiritual awakening that would cause even the old saints to walk the streets again! Graves would be emptied and hearts filled with the glory of Almighty God.
The season of silence is coming to an end upon the face of the earth. The silence that has caused the church to be a spectator instead of a participant on this great stage of life. God will now open Her lips as He did Zechariah and they will declare a greater glory! A greater revelation than they once knew in their temple rituals and routine! They will emerge from its shadows with a countenance of a visitation! They will descend the mount of transfiguration with a revelation of Jesus Christ! The masses will hear and see the miracles done and the sound that they make, billions will come to the Knowledge of the Lord. The "appointed time" has come, the day of visitation is at hand, lift up your eyes! Your redemption draweth nigh!
"Immediately his mouth was opened, and his tongue loosed, and he spoke and praised God " (Luke 1:64).
Prophetic evangelists will be birthed from this season, ones that have sat in a state of muteness and silence for years, will suddenly declare a glory and a power never heard before. They will hear and speak things that will cause the world to fear the Lord. "Then fear came upon all those who dwelt around them " (Luke 1:64). Churches will not be able to contain what is about to occur. No revival in history can reach the standard of what God is about to do in our midst. No book or article can define its greatness. But the fruit will be undeniable, "BILLIONS PRESSING INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD!" The heavens will suffer a violence never seen or to be seen again on this side of eternity. Get ready church! The roof is about to be broken up!
The season of silence has ended. The season of glory has begun
Chad Taylor
Email: destiny@televar.com
Web: www.televar.com/~destiny
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