Away in a Manger
by Chad Taylor
Away in a manger was this Child born, No silver and gold with its tapestries adorned. But amongst shepherds and kings did this baby cry, With thieves and prisoners did this same child die...
He walked among the simple speaking parables to the wise, Healing all that were sick, opening the blind man's eyes. No one could explain from where He had come, No one could explain the things that He had done...
The wise sat perplexed as the children ran to His hands, The simple and the sick - they could understand, the impressions in His feet and hands. The Messiah, the King, the Lamb!
Now around the manger a Cathedral men have built, Pushing away the children, disregarding the Father's will. They adorn it with gold and silver and everything nice, But the priceless ones He died for they now despise...
They build and build as if to reach the sky, somehow thinking that quantity will suffice. Forgetting the children begging in the streets, ignoring the cries of Christ, "Bring them unto Me!"
Away in a manger a child was born, No silver and gold with its tapestries adorned. But amongst shepherds and kings did this baby cry, With thieves and prisoners did this same child die...
Chad Taylor