By Chad Taylor
Feb. 7th, 2003
For this is a people poised for My power.  They have positioned themselves as a living sacrifice therefore they will receive a greater glory.  They have endured the mocking and verbal scourging of their brothers, therefore will I raise them up like Joseph to Ephraim.  This is the year of their redemption from the curse of Canaan.  For the sin of Ham is revealed.  Now I will give you the blessing of Shem and Japheth.  Even this year these things will begin to come to pass and My great love will cover a multitude of sin.  (Gen. 9:21-25).
For you are in the blocks as a runner poised for my power.   The sound of My grace will propel you into a harvest that you are yet to see in your generations.  I will raise up the heart of mercy and charity that is in you to feed the nations.  I will use you as an epitome of 1st Corinthians 13 for without this charity it profits you nothing.  I will show you now a more perfect way.  I will lead you in a path that you have not known.  You will be bridge builder's of unity and the nations will call you blessed.  I will feed you with the meat of Paul and Peter and you will give heed to the greater works.  For in this season you shall manifest them says the Lord.
Even in Rome I will demonstrate these things.  In your secret chambers and tiled ceilings I will show My glory.  I will send my holy angels to set these things in place.  End time angels of harvest and reaping.  I will remove the wall that divides.  I will remove the stones of stumbling that have kept you from your brother.  I will remove the offense of Esau and Jacob.  They will meet again in the fields of harvest and embrace.  (Gen. 33:1-5).
I will raise up companies of prophets and evangelists from your ranks that will defy ancient law and tradition to bring forth My greater purpose.  These vessels will re-write the ancient manuscripts and books and will declare a new era in this millennia.  They will put on the garments of zeal and bring forth the righteous decrees of My heart.  Reformation will radically transform the ecumenical standards that now exist.  I will blow upon the valley of dry bones and My people will awaken to a greater glory of My Son.  This glory will eclipse the faces of others as they see Me transfigured says the Lord.  As they see Me transfigured.
For in this hour you have gathered in Gilgal, the place where I will roll away the reproach and shame from you.  I will feed you with hidden manna and fresh fruit.  You will begin to see the Promise Land that I have prophesied to your forefathers.  You will begin to eat the fruit of Canaan this year as you cross over this place of descent and humbling; The Jordan.  I will give you the fortified cities of division and strife and the walls that have divided you will fall flat.  I will call you Bethel a place where the heavens will be rent.   (Jsh 4:19/Jsh 5:12).
I will raise up again the passion of the Missionaries of Charity and it will set a standard and model for My people globally to give themselves to My heart; the lost.  Calcutta shall become a base of end time revival and transformation.  I will ignite the fires of compassion that have been lit there and the seed that has fallen to the ground shall bear much fruit.  I will redeem the time with the blood that has been spilt says the Lord.  I will redeem the time.
The heart of devotion and sacrifice that has marked you shall become an ensign in the coming days.  The youth of the world will find a new found passion for service and welfare.  They will dedicate their lives to see the lost saved and the dying healed.  A Balm of Gilead will come from your hands and the nations will be healed.  Your youth will carry the baton of revival into the uttermost parts of the earth.  Their dedication to the simplicity of Christ will start a reformation of good will and outreach.  It will set a precedence in modern time and restore the heart of the Father. 
This is the year that these things will be restored.  This is the year that I will open up the door, the door of revival and reformation.  I will place in the heads of your states and hierarchy those passionate for My heart and intention.  I will lift up those in the dung hill to sit with princes.  I will give your youth an apostolic creed.  They will walk in a new found liberty.  They will herald a greater glory and coming harvest.  They will tread with the arch-angels on the fields of harvest and reaping.  This is the year of jubilee.  This is the year of jubilee says the Lord.
Chad Taylor
Feb. 7th, 2003