My Daughter China
(In whom I delight)

O daughter of the earth, you will not have to wait forever! I have heard the cries of your children. I have seen them fainting at the top of every street. I have heard your prayers. Now I will cause the iron gates of oppression to swing wide. The dragon and the curse shall be smitten by the blow of My right hand. Vengeance is Mine says the Lord. It is the day of your liberation! O daughter of the earth, China!

Even Michael is set for your deliverance. For in you lies the key to the whole earth and it's deliverance. In you lies the destiny of the nations. I have secured your border and opened the eternal gates that the flood of deliverance may overflow your boundaries to fill your streets. In the villages and market places shall My glory be seen. The acts of the Apostles will be manifested to thee. The trees of unrighteousness will be cut down and burned, the very smoke of this reaching the heavens. In their place shall be the planting of the Lord in remembrance to the blood of your children's children.

It is yet for a season for this to declare itself…But it will come, yes it will come says the Most High God. My Spirit is over your land. The Son of glory shall arise again over your heads with healing in His wings.

I will restore to you the years that the locusts have devoured. I will give to you what the enemy has stolen, yes I will give back. In the hearts of your children I will give back. Smiles shall be on your faces again. I love you China, you are My precious diadem, you are My Bride. From you will come a remnant of people who no longer live, for it is I that live in them.

An enemy shall arise from the North but I will be with you to defend you. Though you are scattered. I will gather you again on friendly shores. I will restore you; I will be with you. I love you.

A vanguard of leaders shall arise from your midst. Mighty leaders. Generals. Apostles. Fathers of the faith. They will rise to lead you to victory. Victory over the dark hand of oppression. I will lift up ten thousand Davids in your streets. The giant hand of oppression in your land will fall, says the Lord. Signs and wonders shall confirm their call and election. I will be with them as the Apostles of old. The dead will be raised, the blind shall see. The feeble minded will be restored to wholeness and health.

Fear not My people of the rumors of war and catastrophe. I am with you. I will lead you beside the still waters. My rod and staff, they comfort you. You shall dwell in the courts of your God all the days of your life.

China! I am for you and not against you! Look up! Look up! Look up! Your redemption draweth nigh! (Joel 2:28-32)

Taking the church to the streets
and compelling them to go out...

Chad Taylor (10/10/98) Ellensburg, WA USA

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