By Chad Taylor
" It is
of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail
(Lamentations 3:22).
Cities of America the hour of your greatest grace is upon you. You will see My face in the storm clouds that are over you. You will hear My voice in the waves that surround you. You will see Me walking on the waters. In the shadow of death I will be there. Though you pass under My shepherd’s rod I will comfort you. In the presence of your enemies I will sit with you. I will calm the storm and lead you beside still waters. And I would say to you cities of America:
I have led you with a pillar of fire by night and of smoke by day. I have given you a prophetic voice to the nations. I will give the heathen as an inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as a possession. I am building a bridge of intercession from you Detroit to the nations of the earth. They will see it and be glad, they will see it and be glad.
I will open up the fountains of the deep of creativity in you. A prophetic river will flow from you that will influence a generation. The darkened faces of the youth will shine when they hear the song that comes from you. The mountains and the trees will clap their hands. The fields will be glad. I will outshine the glory of Elvis and raise up a thousand more that will offer up their bodies as a living sacrifice.
I have heard the cries of your children, I have seen the oppression of those left for dead. Many have crossed to the other side of the way and left you there to lay. But I have heard the cries of your children from the streets. There is where you and I will meet. Not in the pillared places and terraced temples, but in the streets. From the lowest place I will pour out My grace. The low places high and the high places low. From those places will My glory flow. From the low places will my glory flow Orlando.
Milwaukee I have not forgotten you. I remember the promises I made to you in your youth. I remember those days of your beginnings. We were in love, we walked together as friends. I have not forgotten the covenant that we made. Now is the time of redemption for you, restoration and reconciliation. I will restore what has been devoured and revive that which is dead. The dry bones of hope deferred will have life again. They will stand, they will stand.
I hear a wind in Houston, a rushing mighty wind. In the desert a river is coming. A river of life where all the creatures of the earth dwell. I will redeem the faded gold and restore the glory of old. I will remember the waste places and make whole the broken bones. I will repair the breach and pour out My glory in your streets. I will give sight to your blind and set the captives free. A shaking is coming Houston, first in the natural and then the spiritual. Boldness shall shake My church and salvation your city.
You will be a focal point of revival, an epi-center of My glory. Many will tell the story of what I have done in you. You will be place of racial reconciliation. I have given you power to pray for those in authority and high places. Pray for governments and those in high standing. You will see them saved. You will see them saved.
Harvest in the heartland says the Lord. Harvest in the heartland. I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophecy Cincinnati. From your youth will come a well of life. From your city a river will flow. I bring to light the things that are hidden. I will reveal the dark secrets of the wise. Witty inventions and innovations will come from you. Your businesses will be blessed.
I have created a clean heart in you Cleveland. I have renewed a right spirit within you. I have restored to you the joy of your salvation. Though you have seen darkness My glory will arise and shine upon you. Kings will come to the brightness of your rising and the lost to My glory shining. They will see it from afar off and come. They will see it from afar off and come. Medical breakthroughs will come through you. An anointing for healing will be your crown.
I am unearthing the foundational stones of revival in you. The prayers of your forefathers have come up as a remembrance before Me. My fire is about to be poured out on you as in the day of Pentecost. This fire will be kindled in you and sweep the nation in revival. I have seen the faces of your enemies and I laughed. I laugh at your enemies says the Lord. I laugh at your enemies. I will break their teeth and bind them in fetters. I will arrest them with My justice and capture them with My judgment.
You have run with footmen, now you will run with the horses. I will give you hind’s feet to go even higher. Revelations 4:1 is what I say to you Baltimore. “A door was opened in Heaven and the first voice which I heard as it was a trumpet taking to me which said, COME UP HERE, AND I WILL SHOW YOU THINGS WHICH MUST SOON COME TO PASS.”
San Diego, you are the southern point of defense for My church. You are a gatekeeper and a doorkeeper. I have set you on a high place. You will view the nations and pray. You will look to the South and intercede. You will look to the North and stand in the gap. The heavens are opened to you, I will give My angels charge over you to keep you in your coming and going. For I am able to keep you from falling.
Upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I have seen your bedrock Little Rock and I said, ‘It is good.’ I will begin now to redeem what the wolves have devoured, wolves in sheep’s clothing. I will give you eyes to see the angel’s of light. I will give you the grace to fight the good fight. You will stand in My power and might. From the ashes of controversy you will arise. You will arise.
You are My prodigal son Nashville. You took your inheritance and ran. But I have waited for you Nashville, the day of your returning is here. The day of your return has come. I have for you a coat of many colors, colors of creativity and longevity. Colors of passion and harvest. I have for you Nashville a ring of My authority. My signet ring and glory. I will give you shoes for you feet. Shoes of preparation for the gospel. How beautiful Nashville are the feet of those preach the gospel.
The seeds of revival that have laid dormant are about to spring up. You have tasted the first rain, but now you will see the former and latter together. No longer will it be a sound of an abundance, but a torrent of My glory will come upon you. The rich man will stand beside the homeless man in this revival. They will have all things common. My people will have things common.
England, I have new orders for you. It has been a time of waiting and
anticipating, but now I am going to fulfill the very things you have only
dreamed. You have been like Joseph in the pit seeing these things from
afar off. Now they will be within reach. Lift you your eyes New England! The
harvest is white and the fruit is ripe, it is time to reap! It is time to
reap! I am re-digging the wells of revival in this ancient area. I am
re-digging the wells.
"For the Lord will not cast off for ever: But though he cause grief, yet
will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. For he doth
not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men..."
(Lamentations 3:31-33)