Eunuchs of Intercession
By Chad Taylor
"For there are eunuchs who were born from their mother's womb, and there were eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. He who is able to accept, let him accept it..." (Matt.19:12).
For there are some that I am calling in this hour that will be separated, called out ones, consecrated to the service of intercession. As Hannah, the very life they cried for they will now offer it as to the Lord. They will give Me their bodies as a living sacrifice. They will now give themselves on the altar of prayer. He that is able to receive it, receive it. For in this hour a grace will be given, a grace of consecration. A grace for salvation. A grace for revelation. A grace for separation. The prayers of My people will open the prison doors that have held nations bound like never before. Intercession will be the key that sets the captives free. Eunuchs of intercession.
Simeons and Annas will habitate the temple of their God day and night. They will sing a new song, a song of deliverance and salvation. The incense of their prayers will fill the temple and the smoke of it will be pleasing to Me says the Lord. My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations again says the Lord. A supernatural anointing that will sustain my warriors. They will stand in the Holy Place and they will stand in proxy for nations. The voices of a few will move the tide of billions says the Lord. I will hear their cries as I heard the cries of My Son. The words of His mouth will now be completely filled through the prayers of My people. They will hold the Promises of God as Simeon did in his day. They will see these things come to pass.
Eunuchs of intercession will stand in the courts of praise. They will enter My gates with thanksgiving. The intercessor and the worshiper will come together as one like David and Jonathan. As Jonathan interceded for David's life, so will the intercessors stand in the gap for My kings and priests, My army. No longer will they be separate, but as one. From their prayers and worship will come David's mighty men. A army that does exploits will emerge from this hollowed place. They will kindle the flame of reformation. A wind of awakening will blow through their midst to the uttermost parts of the earth.
I had Moses remove his shoes in that holy place, because the way he came in would not be the way that he would come out. I was preparing him to walk in My glory. The old would not suffice. Many will be taking the shoes off of the old ways of doing things. I will prepare them to walk in My glory amongst the people, in public places and market places. They will come from the Mt. of Transfiguration with a revelation, now is the time to reveal that glory says the Lord. Now is the time to receive that glory.
One piece still remains to complete this outfitting, this equipping of My church. It is the foot gear, the preparation of the gospel of peace. One thing still remains, the footgear, "and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace..." I am about to do this says the Lord. I am about to prepare My people to carry this glory into the streets. My people are about to go into Samaria.
Eunuchs of intercession, a grace even now is upon you. You will hold the promise as a child in your bosom. You will groan with groanings that cannot be uttered. Like the mid-wives in Moses day, you will take the child to safety, you will hide him in the river, in the river this generation will survive. Harvest will come from the pangs of your intercessions and an army will emerge from its cry.
I will give you the grace to pay the price. I will give you the grace to give your life. For from this place of prayer now dawns a great light! Eagles of the Most High God ARISE! ARISE! ARISE!
Mark carefully the nations that I put into your heart to pray. Mark well their faces and races and places. I will put nations in your heart and you will wrestle not with flesh and blood, for in this hour I will release a flood, a flood of intercession that will cover the earth like the water covers the sea. I will give the uttermost parts of the earth to those that believe. I will give the nations to those that intercede. WATCH AND SEE! WATCH AND SEE! WATCH AND SEE!
Eunuchs of intercession I will give you My compassion. You will stand over cities and declare their hour of visitation. I will give you My tears. Though the mountains are cast into the sea, you will not fear. You will not fear.
Eunuchs of Intercession, "Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at His word. Your brethren you hated you, who cast you out for My name's sake, said, 'Let the Lord be glorified, that we may see your joy.' But they shall be ashamed. The sound of noise from the city! A voice from the temple! The voice of the Lord, who fully repays His enemies. Before she was in labor, she gave birth, before her pain came she delivered a male child. Who has heard such things? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor she gave birth to her children... (Verses 5-8.)
Chad Taylor
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