Heaven, Hollywood, and Histories Greatest Revival...    


By Chad Taylor    

Throughout modern history satan has done his best to steal from Heaven the most talented musicians and artists exploiting their talent and gifts for the kingdom of darkness. This can be seen clearly in icons such as the Beatles and Elvis Presley. Hearts that beat with a spiritual passion but never for Christ. What was intended to impact the nations for God was made rather to temporarily inspire a generation to rebel against God and His passion for them. Prophets and Evangelists were disillusioned in their gifts and calling to worship the creation rather than the Creator.

Tragically today most of the prolific talent is still ensnared in the world and its trappings. The most endearing music, memorable lyrics, and historical concerts are written on the pages of secular music. If you turn on any Rock station you will hear the passion and anger of this generation captured on each song and rhythm. If you turn on any Christian station the most you will usually hear is a shallow sound that entertains Christians, rather than save souls and provokes and challenges this generation to Christ. It is no mystery then why the youth, Christian and non-Christian alike, listen to secular radio stations and watch MTV more than they do any Christian venues. We are still trying to entertain each other instead of making a sound that causes the masses to cry out, "What must I do to be saved?!"

If we are to ever reach this generation we must first get the heart of Christ for this generation. We must invade every worldly space with the message of God's great grace. We have to take on the attitude of Philip in Acts chp. 8 that got up from his comfortable Christian easy chair and rocked the world with the sound of Heaven. I believe Philip was one of the first "Rock Stars." The whole city "saw and heard the miracles which Philip did" and were saved. Philip then turned their eyes to the only Rock, the Rock that followed them that was Christ. If we are ever to have any level of success in this world we must do the same. We have to cast off our religious garb, our "Sunday go to church clothes," and start relating to a dying world. If we do not, if we refuse to make any adjustment to our spiritual attire and sound, if we do not make any attempt to accommodate this generation in our Sunday morning services, if we make no honest effort to reach out to the youth still hanging out on the corners smoking their cigarettes and listening to Ozzy Osbourne, mark these words, the blood of millions will be on this era of church histories hands...

The greatest threshold of revival is standing at our church doors with pierced faces and tattoos. Staring hungrily at our steeples and altars, longing to be welcomed not made to change. Accepted not rejected. The treasure of Heaven's greatest revival to date is hidden in the fallow ground of these young hearts. Waiting for the plow of love to be brought to them with the mercy and grace of Christ. Then and only then will we reap the immense talent and gifts of this generation. A generation poised like no other generation to reap world harvest and prepare the way of the Lord.

I pray that God would give us all eyes to see past the dark tapestries of modern music, the glam of Hollywood, and see the Pearls of Great Price hidden there, mighty prophets and evangelists yet to take the stage of revival and history. Missionaries of music able to reach the souls of this generation like no one in church today ever could. God redeeming their fame and fortune to impact millions of children that already hang on their every word and song. We need to pray for them not judge them! Reach out to them and not condemn them! God give us the great revelation that the enemies best are really God's best in disguise! Waiting to be awakened to their divine destiny in Christ. God give us the eyes of Barnabus that could see past Saul's reputation and infamy into God's purposes and plan for him, even while the rest of the church was afraid of him. Take away the fear we have of the world that we can begin to invade it with you passion and grace...

Hollywood and the music industry is not a dark spot on American history, rather it is a seed bed for revival and global harvest. It draws the vision and dreams of the youth like moths to a flame and gives them a place to grow. Doing exactly what the church should have been doing, but are not, so they gravitate to these places instead. The modern day church needs to be the flame that draws the vision and dreams of the youth and gives them the place to thrive and express themselves. The church needs to become the stage on which this generation acts out their destiny and purpose! Not just a boring predictable place where individual expression is discouraged and quenched. The institution of modern church needs to be turned upside down again so it can begin to facilitate the revival God so longs to pour out on Her. A revival that will draw the lost like bees to honey. A revival that will capture the creativity of this generation and harness it to reach the world. God turn us upside down!

The day is coming when Christian programs will rival the ratings of MTV. The hour is coming where church will be a haven of late night teens, closing down rave parties and dance clubs. The hour is coming when the church will be the greatest stage of individual expression as each person fulfills their role and purpose to reach the nations. The day is coming when Christians will have the vision and creative imagination surpassing Stephen King and Stephen Spielburg, a creativity that invades the motion picture industry with the radical message of Jesus Christ. The day is coming when the church will be transformed into a 24 hr. outreach and safe harbor for the shipwrecked of mankind, the doors opened and hearts ready to receive them. The candle will never go out again in God's temple...


Chad Taylor (12/14/00)
Email: chadtaylor@consumingfire.com