By Chad Taylor
My heart is in India says the Lord. My heart is hidden in the soil of that
country. My heart is in the least of their brethren. My heart is captured in the
hearts of their children. India is a field of dreams and this year the fallow
ground shall be broken. I will restore the foundation of My presence and give
the pearl of great price to this generation of harvesters. They will reap if
they faint not.
I will arrest the hearts of their government. I will visit the bed chambers of
their kings. I will speak in the ear of their magistrates and lawyers. I will
turn the hearts of their leaders like water. I will walk between the pillars of
their temples and courts making known My will. They will hear My voice in the
midst of them and they will be saved. For now is the appointed time, now is the
Day of Salvation.
I will open the door to their lion's dens. I will release those that have been
persecuted for My names sake. I will send the angel of My presence into their
streets and they will be healed. I will visit the prisoners and the outcast. I
will appear to them in their pit and prison and they will declare My name. I
will take them from the dung heap to sit with princes says the Lord. They walk
the halls of Kings and bring a sweet smelling offering.
I will establish a fortress of My presence in India in the hour. I will lay a
foundation of revival that the gates of hell will not prevail against. I will
establish a revelation of My presence that cannot be shaken though there are
many adversaries. I will open the eyes of My servants and they will declare a
greater that is in them. When they walk through the fire I will be there, when
they walk through the waters I will walk with them. O India you are Mine.
I will open the gates of commerce again in India. I will command a blessing on
their commerce and trade. I will shift the weight of the ancient curses off of
them and their yoke will be easy. I will pour out a blessing upon those that
seek Me even more they can contain. From that blessing the nations will eat.
Joseph's shall rise from the shadows of obscurity and persecution to bring
prosperity and righteousness in this hour says the Lord. I will go before them
and the nations will prosper.
I am building a bridge of My presence from America into India in this hour says
the Lord. Many shall tread upon it and possess the land. I will cause a great
favor in traveling from this country to that one. I will open doors no man can
close. I will open the ancient gates and King of Glory shall come in. Who is
this King of Glory? The Lord God Almighty is His name. And to those that are not
ashamed of Me and My presence, the nations will be their inheritance and the
uttermost parts of the earth shall be their possession. For this is the
inheritance of all the saints. This is My reward. Even now I am standing at the