Chad Taylor, a native of Washington State is known around the world for his two critically acclaimed books, Why Revival Still Tarries and The Cry of the Harvest. His 3rd book, a sequel to the widely read, "The Cry of the Harvest" aptly titled, "A Vision of the Harvest" is due out this fall. He travels full time out of Southwest Georgia where he, his wife of 16 years and 4 beautiful children reside.

Most however are familiar with Chad from his accumulation of prophetic words, with over 100 prophecies published on the Elijah List alone dating back to 1998. His message and books have reached a worldwide audience. After 20+ years as a prophetic voice to the nations, a full-time minister seen on TBN and other televisions networks around the world, radio and countless conferences, Chad's passion remains unwavering - the harvest.

Bill Johnson Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA. and author of "When Heaven Invades Earth writes about Chad, “Chad Taylor addresses the greatest issue on the heart of God right now - the harvest. He does so with profound insight, and prophetic stirring.”

His attention is often found outside the conference halls and church buildings. With the broken, bedraggled, and un-reached masses of the world that are yet to be touched with the matchless love of Jesus Christ. Chad's mantra is akin to other revivalists of old like William Booth, Hudson Taylor and Finney, "To go ye into all the world is not an option but a command..."

Stacey Campbell writes, “Chad shows that all of us can be part of the high calling to bring the good news of salvation to everyone.  It is a stirring challenge to be part of a great, global move of God!”

Chad has been called Prophet, Evangelist and a modern-day Revivalist who has shared the platform with the likes of Francis Frangipane, Rick Joyner, Bill Hamon, Dutch Sheets, Bob Jones, Tommy Tenney, Nicky Cruz, Mario Murillo and many more... However, you will most likely find Chad under a bridge, a street corner and an inner-city basketball court than the meeting hall, and, if you're in his company long enough you will be as well!

Dr. Roberts Liardon author of the “God’s Generals” series writes about Chad Taylor’s ministry, “You will be challenged to the bone to look around you, in your daily life, and have compassion to reach out to all the lost souls who will eternally perish without Jesus. You will see these end times in a whole new light, the light of the saving, delivering, healing power of the Gospel — and you will be inspired to do something about it!”

Chad had the rare blessing to be mentored by the late Leonard Ravenhill, friend of AW Tozer and author of the revival classic, “Why Revival Tarries.” Chad spent priceless time with Ravenhill at his home in Lindale, TX in 1990 and visited Keith Green's Last Days Ministries. This cemented Chad's resolve to see real and authentic revival that is accentuated by "going" not just "teaching..."

To see more of Chad’s harrowing testimony from acute drug and alcohol addiction, Satanism and incarcerations watch his riveting story featured on TBN at the link below. More info can be found at Consuming Fire Ministries website:

TBN Interview of Chad Taylor:

I've watched Chad Taylor grow in the Lord over the last 10 years. Just as I watched Todd Bentley, so I've watched Chad Taylor. An avid evangelist and prophetic voice, Chad has always consistently participated in "doing the stuff" (as John Wimber used to say), and that includes healings, street evangelism and prophecy. Some of you may remember me say that there was a time once, about 20 years ago, when Chad gave me an "off the wall" prophecy. I was sure he was wrong. Four days later, it came true, to the letter. Chad is the real deal who has been growing in the Lord and I would take his words seriously. Chad is a forerunner and an example to the entire Body of Christ. Please spread his testimony to all who are interested in the Harvest--who want to see it become a reality!! - Steve Shultz, THE ELIJAH LIST

"After reading Chad's book, my heart burned for harvest! This book captures the heart of revival and the urgency of the day and presents a clarion call to reach the lost! Reading this book is more than just evangelism, but a prophetic anointing is on this message! Much needed book for our generation!" - Todd Bentley Evangelist and founder of Fresh Fire Ministries

"God’s prophetic agenda is in motion. We are strategically moving towards the culmination of all things. The fields are white unto harvest. The only thing lacking is the harvester’s that will work together for the precious fruit of the earth. Chad Taylor is a prophetic revivalist who incites a passion for the lost in the heart's of those who hear him. His prophetic accuracy and compassion for the lost serve as a fine starter igniting the flames of revival in churches across America and Canada. As a Pastor, partnering with Chad continues to be one of the wisest decisions I have made in my efforts to reach the lost in our region." -Tom Tiemens, Senior Pastor Victory Christian Fellowship Fresno, California

"The fire is still burning here in Mariposa as a result of Chad's visit two weeks ago. I can unequivocally say that our church, and the region, are better positioned for a major revival than we were before his visit. Chad truly has a heart for souls and he is a catalyst for revival in the First Nation people. During his visit I became convinced that reconciliation with the Native Americans is essential for the next outpouring of the Spirit. Chad walks in a powerful anointing. I personally listened to him prophecy to numerous people in the services with pin-point accuracy. He delivers a powerful but humorous and easy to receive message. All of our people loved him and they are anxious to have him return."- Pastor Henry Falany Mariposa Revival Center Mariposa, CA

Chad truly operates in the much needed ministry of reconciliation to the body of Christ. He is a true revivalist, who has been sent to help restore, revive and to awaken this sleeping giant called the church. Revival truly runs in Chad's blood. This is the heartbeat of God!" - Jeremy Lopez of Identity Network

"Souls are desperately crying out for answers in days of turmoil and darkness. The church has the keys to open the doors of destiny for them, but...we must go...we cannot remain in our comfort zones within the confines of our church buildings and programs! Chad Taylor will provoke go!" - Patricia King - Extreme Prophetic Ministries

"Chad Taylor addresses the greatest issue on the heart of God right now - the harvest. He does so with profound insight, and prophetic stirring." - Bill Johnson Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA. and author of "When Heaven Invades Earth"

"Chad Taylor is a flame of revival fire. He is powerfully anointed by the Holy Spirit to bring change wherever he goes. This is the time for Awakening in America and Chad is one of God's front line warriors helping to usher this in." -
Linda Meissner Opened the first Teen Challenge home for women with David Wilkerson. A key figure in The Cross and the Switchblade book. Linda is also author of The Voice, an account of the Jesus Movement revival of the 60s

"Chad Taylor is a burning fiery lamp in the wilderness of today's religious systems. He's a prophetic voice, awakening the hearts of men and women into passion and zeal for the lost. The heartbeat of a revivalist echoes throughout his ministry as he challenges all of us with a fervent call to prophetic evangelism! He ardently urges the church to invade the market place with signs and wonders following. Evoking memories of Leonard Ravenhill, he cuts through tradition, stirring an unquenchable fire for the harvest. If you don't have a heart for evangelizing the lost, you will soon!" - Jill Austin of Master Potter Ministries

To those who have been on their faces, crying in desperation for revival, you need not look any further than Chad Taylor. Here is a man, a burning stick of revival, ready to ignite the hearts, minds, and souls with the reality that revival is within reach. Chad Taylor is a fiery prophetic revivalist who came to our city and set ablaze the area church and the First Nations people. He is an authentic man seeking hard after God’s own heart… and wants everyone else to experience it too. People traveled from four states and Canada to hear his message. And they were not disappointed. Chad is more than just an inspiring speaker at a conference; his words bring life, restoration, forgiveness, and action. After hearing Chad speak and watching him minister to individuals, you will be positively affected for ever. Pastor John Bousted Solomon's Rest Bismarck, ND

"There is a real Book of Acts thing happening here in Rohnert Park, CA. with Chad Taylor. It has been over 23 years since I have seen such a release of anointing to share in the public square. As Chad spoke of past revivals my heart was stirred as I remembered the Jesus movement of the 70's and the spontaneous witnessing on the streets that occurred as a result. After Sunday morning's meeting, we challenged the church to come again Monday at 11:00 AM and nightly at 7:00PM to be equipped to go out on the streets to practice and give away the anointing that they had received. (Pastor Chip was one of the board members for the Jesus West Coast concerts and was intimately involved with the Jesus Movement as well as close friends with many of the key leaders of that revival such as Keith Green and Mario Murillo)." - Pastor Chip Worthington (Rohnert Park Assembly of God)

"That weekend will be a moment in time that we will always point back to and say, "that is when God began to take over Cordova". With Brownsville it was fathers day 1995. Here in Cordova it will be August 19th, 2000. The local owner of the only radio station was present at both events on Saturday. He is also a deacon at the Baptist church. He is so overwhelmed by the display of unity that he called me today to say that he wants to air devotions that will be sponsored by the churches of Cordova as a show of unity and to be a blessing to all of Cordova. Chad Taylor will be an asset to not only your church but your town and your region as well." - Duane Kurz, Pastor Cordova Assembly of God

"Chad Taylor is the real deal. His book, "A Cry of Harvest" is a 'God-time' book that carries an anointing and impartation of power evangelism that will help bring in the Great Harvest. I recommend it highly!" - Che Ahn - Senior Pastor, Harvest Rock Church, Pasadena, CA.

"Like John Wesley before him, Chad views the world as his parish, and bids us to do the same. With compelling grace and convicting truth, Chad Taylor reminds us to see the harvest of humanity with the eyes of Christ. Thank you, Chad. for writing with such compassion, clarity, and conviction. The fire is bright and the trumpet is clear. The cross was never meant to be hidden, it is the way home for a lost humanity. May we all ignite from this live coal from Christ's heart." - Nolan Clark Church Planter and Revivalist Founder of Re:vive Churches World Wide

"Your words are an inspiration for me to continue to labor for the Master from the dawn to setting sun. Thanks for making the time to challenge all of us on the front lines to go a step farther behind enemy lines to reach the lost at any cost. 'NO greater love hath a man than to lay down his life for another'." - Pastor Phil Aguilar founder of Set Free World Wide Ministries and pioneer of the Los Angeles Dream Center.

"Not only is Chad Taylor a true Prophet of God with pin point accuracy and heavy duty authority , he is also a true man of God crying out, just like the heart of the Father, for souls, souls, souls. Chad is a cutting edge evangelist but not just for himself, he carries a mandate to teach others how to "do" and "be " church outside the walls. His passion for raising up sons and daughters for the kingdom is extremely unique, like non I have seen before. Read his books, check out his teachings, invite him to your meeting, YOU CANNOT GO WRONG. I am very very blessed to call him my brother and friend." - Sharnael Wolverton Swiftfire Ministries Int'l author of Keys to Third Heaven and Seers Handbook.

"Chad is a new breed of evangelist. He is able to reproduce his perspective and give an insatiable hunger for seeing people come into the full invitation of salvation. Chad not only has a fresh way of thinking that is full of life, he also has an appetite to give his best so that we can benefit from his expertise and heart." - Shawn Bolz Author of Keys to Heavens Economy and The ThroneRoom Company

"Chad is an intense Prophetic Evangelist with a timely word to the church concerning the harvest! He not only preaches about the harvest, he also has the ability to mobilize the church into the harvest! His testimony and lifestyle are contagious! He will affect anyone who comes near with a passion for the Lord and for souls! His passion for Jesus, lifestyle of prayer and evangelism are extremely contagious! He is a blessing to the saints and a terror to hell! My recommendation is that pastors would just follow Chad around your town and learn once again the simplicity and joy of speaking to people everywhere about Jesus. I guarantee you your life will change!" - Pastor James Berkley Judah Praise Center Marysville, WA

"Chad walks in the special and much needed anointing of racial reconciliation. Actually, as he listens to the Holy Ghost, he becomes a facilitator for reconciliation between the races. In Jesup, GA. many racial barriers and obstacles fell during November of 2003. The heartbeat of our ministry is revival. Revival is relationship oriented. Jesus reconciled us to God and made it possible for us to have a living relationship with Him. There can be no revival in a city without there first being reconciliation among men. Let's get on with it so the Glory can come!"- Keith Smith, Sr. Minister Providence Church - Jesup, GA