Last Days Ministries

Chad Taylor


"And it shall come to pass in these last days, says the Lord, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh… (Acts 2:17).

In these last days says the Lord I shall raise up end time ministries that will hasten the coming day of God. They will walk in a revelation that discerns the signs of the times. They will know Me in the secret place and thus be rewarded in the marketplace. They will wear humility as a garment and the zeal of the Lord will consume them.

I am selecting My living stones from the river as David did. I am selecting My living stones to slay the giants of the land. Hidden stones, overcomers, with a last days anointing and ministry. They will shine in the back drop of darkness that is upon the earth and many will come the brightness of their rising. My sling is set says the Lord, and the nations are My objective.

In these last days I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, the young and the old shall walk together to possess the land. The uncomely ones that have been in the background will now take center stage; the Bride will come from her dressing room and the Bridegroom from His chambers. They will not be hearers only but doer of the Word. ‘Their faith shall not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.’ (1 St. Corinthians 2:5)

A prophetic anointing will be seen upon the uncomely and the unlovely. The low esteemed and the overlooked. On these ones My power will be now be magnified. Upon the handmaidens and the servants of tables will My glory be demonstrated. Like Philip they will take cities and like Stephen the heavens will be opened to them. ‘Your sons and daughters shall prophesy…’ (Acts 2:17).

These last day’s ministries will occupy the strange and obscure places. Store fronts and basements, taverns and dance clubs, street corners and marketplaces, apartment buildings and trailer courts. They will occupy new territory and My name will be glorified. My face will be seen in the places the church has forgotten. My name will be heard in honky tonks and bars, in institutions and jail cells, everywhere and in every place My name will be heard.

These last day’s ministries will be ministries of harvest and salvation. They will have their eyes fixed on the white fields of glory. They will not forget their fist love or their first works. They will be burning hot with My passion for the lost and they will despise the things that are lukewarm. Their ministries shall be objects of My affection and the harvest will pour into them. They will not be self satisfying but self sacrificing taking up their cross and following Me.

They will now return to the very places that they have previously avoided. They will invade the dark places and shine My glory and grace. They will be marked by boldness and mercy, pouring out the oil and the wine of this last day’s anointing into the wounds of the world. They will be healers of the land not just the body. They will raise up the foundations of many generations, they will be called, " A repairer of the breach." (Isaiah 58:12).

Chad Taylor Email: Lamentations 2:19…