THE NEXT THREE DAYS THE STONE WILL BE ROLLED AWAY February 22nd, 2003 Chad Taylor This next three days are very "determining" or "defining" in the natural and spiritual. Major transition will occur in both dimensions. We are poised to advance on multiple fronts but need a sharp and quick movement of funds and finances. Pray that all walls of resistance crumble and fall. A great deal relies upon this breakthrough to advance all of us into the enemies territory and possess the land. Concentrate prayer in that direction right away. I heard this clearly tonight while writing, "THE NEXT THREE DAYS THE STONE WILL BE ROLLED AWAY". I believe the next three days, Feb. 22nd thru Feb. 24th will advance His Kingdom exponentially and historically. This will be accompanied by many physical and natural manifestations. Radical changes in weather patterns, strange and sudden occurrences in world events, unexplainable changes in the stock market and world finances, (this will be in direct relationship to the massive repositioning of billions of dollars that will soon be released into the hand's of the Body of Christ for world harvest and ministry.) CONFUSION, CHAOS AND RIOT Pray for our president and country in the next three days. The enemy can see on the spiritual horizon the "cloud the shape of a man's hand" and is poised to retaliate through modern methods of terrorism and chaos. I see large demons called CONFUSION and CHAOS poised over the E. Coast. Pray against them and push them back into the sea. There will be a number of hurricanes that will form miles off the East Coast because of this intercession but they will not reach mainland. I see a very large demon called RIOT outside certain major American cities as well. He is readying himself to stir up the people into riot and violence over current events. Bind him up and gag him. Pray as Jesus prayed, "do not suffer him to speak." There will be shocking and surprising events in the media centered around cover-ups in government and state institutions. This will be in direct relationship to the massive exposing of the enemies strongholds and strategies around the nation and world which will result in an incredible and innumerable harvest. GREAT SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS The stone of resistance that has stood in the way of major and decisive breakthrough in our personal and corporate lives is being rolled away. Specific angels are being released for this exact purpose. This will produce many supernatural phenomena's in the heavenlies. It will be seen by many. Literally a part of the scripture in Acts will be fulfilled as these key angels are released in earth's atmosphere. "And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: (Acts 2:19). Scientists and astronomers will record these sudden events with awe. MICROSOFT AND BIG BUSINESS Sporting events and public venues will become bill boards of His purpose. His voice will be heard in the midst of the tumult. Every secular demonstration will only serve as a vehicle of His will. A "donkey" that will carry Him into the cities of the world. Watch the news. Be aware of Microsoft and Bill Gates. The Lord's eye is upon them. His hand is not too short that it cannot save nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear. Major corporation and big business are about to be visited in a historical and epic way by the Spirit of God. They will serve the divine purpose they were created to. RADICAL GIVING WILL DISPLACE THE STONE The stone that has been stopping up the massive flow of finances is about to be rolled out of the way. Greed, fear, and prejudice has been the hands and great weight that has pressed it into the avenue of blessing. Love, forgiveness and radical giving will displace it. In the next three days the Lord will direct many of us to give in a very radical and extreme way. It is critical that we obey. This will be the force that pushes the stone of resistance from the head waters of awesome financial breakthrough. Do it now! This form of giving will be reflected in the secular realm as well as the spirit of charity falls over the land. This will save many major corporations from bankruptcy as they obey God and give into key ministries for the advancement of His Kingdom. Wal-Mart will become a major player in revival and current events. God will position their management under the cloud of His presence. They will become a vehicle of charity and outreach. Where the church fails to respond God will raise up worldly and secular personalities to pour out His grace. LOOK FOR THE SUDDENLIES OF GOD The next three days will launch much of this into the tangible world. How we pray and obey will position us either in a place of blessing or famine. We must step from the confinement of normality and predictability into the sudden and spontaneous nature of God. He will come quickly and suddenly upon our daily ritual. He will say, "Go there!" or "Give there!" or "Move there!" This will position us into harvest and end time anointing. This too will come suddenly and without warning. Whole cities and regions will be arrested overnight by His presence. Gird yourself up says the Lord. Your life as you now know it is about to end. I am going to translate you into a dimension of possibility that you have never imagined. I will move you into the direct flow of my financial flood and you will give millions into My purposes. I will change the financial climate of nations over night as I rain down my glory. I will raise up those that have struggled for years in self-employment to manage my end time wealth. Their years of struggle and toil will now produce a mother lode says the Lord and harvest will be the outcome. Now is the time to believe the unbelievable. Now is the time to launch out. |