Perils Will Come, But You Will Stand

Received by Chad Taylor

Perilous times will come. Mother will forsake her daughter, father his son, children will turn their parents over to death. Hatred will run rampant. Darkness will prevail over many of the cities of the earth that have refused my escape. But in this peril, in this storm, YOU WILL STAND! YOU WILL FINISH YOUR COURSE THAT I HAVE SET YOUR FEET TO FINISH! YOU WILL STAND AND NOT FALL, FOR I AM ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM FALLING SAYS THE LORD.

In the midst of gross darkness you will conquer. In the midst of chaos you will shine. You are mine! All the earth will call you blessed! They will see My favor that surrounds you like a shield. My church will grow up into the full stature of Christ, it will build Itself up in love, she will have the mind of Christ, and this will set her as a city upon a hill that cannot be hid.

Doors of utterance that have remained shut for centuries will now be opened to My gospel and salvation. The 10/40 window will be invaded with righteousness! It will no longer be called the throne of the devil ruled and ensnared in wickedness. It's hold will be broken with the strategy and anointing I am pouring out on the handmaidens and servants in this hour. The 10/40 window will be robbed of its spoil and its armor divided. I AM hastening it to come to pass even this very moment says the Lord. Even now I am breaking the bars of bronze and the gates, that the captives will run free! The diseased and spoiled will cry, "I am restored!" The blinded and deceived will exclaim, " I can see! I can see!"

The Muslim world will be brought to its knees in the coming days says the Lord. I will curse the curse of Magog and Gog, and he will give up his prisoners at the Word of the Lord. He will give them up says the Lord! Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that I AM LORD.

The Mormon super structure will be shaken as a wind of repentance sweeps throughout its ranks. The ones that have pierced and persecuted Me will now mourn and grieve and say that, "Surely this was the Son of God!" I will deliver them says the Lord, from the mouth of the lion I will deliver them.

Now is the hour of redemption and restoration. That all things shall be fulfilled. Not one promise shall be broken, not one word will fall to the ground unfruitful. I am preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies. I am preparing a table in the midst of kings and princes for My sake and the inheritance that belongs to all the saints. I the Lord, will still give you the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession...

The time to cross over has already come. The time of testing has come to an end, the time to cross over into your inheritance is here, is now. Now is the time, now is the season. Now is the hour to possess. To take back, to overcome. Now is that time says the Lord. Now is that time. You will go, and I will go before you. You will overcome because I AM with you. You will possess because I have given it to you. You will do greater things than these says the Lord. I will do wonders among you. I will show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.

Perils will come but you will stand...

But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of and evangelist, fulfill your ministry... (2nd Timothy 4:1-5...)

Chad Taylor - 3/20/99

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