The Kim Clement Prophecy
Bill Johnson: My Beloved is Mine
5777: The Year of the Axe Head
Stockton, CA a Prophetic Apex
When Mountains Tremble: The Alaska Effect
Tampa, FL Inheritance Restored
Phoenix AZ: A City on a Hill
Pensacola: Another Pentecost is Coming!
Philadelphia: A Day of Visitation is Coming
Pt. 1: A Series of Unprecedented Events
Pt. 2: A Series of Unprecedented Events
Mandaree, ND: A Day of Rememberance
Chicago: A Ezekiel Mandate Can These Dry Bones Live? (04-03-13)
A Word to Cleveland and the Cities of the North (1-03-13)
Milwaukee: A Gathering Place of Nations (01-16-13)
2006: The Beginning of the End
Accumulation of Years of Withholding is About to Be Released! (08-15-05)
Apocalyptic Anomalies and End Time Paradigms (12-24-04)
A City Under Siege and a Nation in the Balance (09-04-05)
A Blaze of Glory (09-24-03)
A Descent into Darkness and the New Orleans Paradox (09-25-05)
A Requiem of Revival and a Harvest Hypothesis (07-30-05)
A Fire Will Come From the South (03-01-02)
A Greater Glory (11-13-01)
A Prophecy to Africa (Given Live in Fresno, CA. (2-17-09)
A War For the Islands (11-01-03)
A New Year, New Alignments and a Net That Works (01-01-04)
A Word To the American Church Regarding New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina
Alaska on the Precipice (10-15-02)
Army is Deployed in Detroit (03-28-03)
A Word For Canada (A Simmering Pot)
A Word for New England (01-01-04)
Apostolic and the Harvest (12-09-01)
A Spiritual Miscarriage (02-21-02)
A Vision of the Tornadoes of His Presence (03-09-01)
Addicted to the Glory (article) (06-20-00)
Africa Awake! (02-01-00)
Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California
Alaska Alliance (09-06-99)
Alaska on the Precipice (10-21-02)
Anchorage Explodes! (street report - 5-08-00)
Angels at the Altars of Intercession (03-13-01)
Away in a Manger (9-20-98)
A Celebration! (10-08-98)
A Cry for Destiny (article)
A Global Prophecy (10-22-98)
A Love Letter (11-09-98)
A Miracle in the Streets (article) (07-24-00)
A Prayer of Jesus (4-15-00)
A Time to Reap (Global Revival) (2-21-00)
A Season of Silence (Article) (4-05-00)
A Vision of the Sword (3-25-00)
A Vision of the Pillar (11-15-00)
A Salvation Army (05-26-99)
A Message to the Church
A Word for Alaska, Part 1 (01-17-99)
A Word for Alaska Part 2 (06-13-99)
A Word for Albany, OR. (02-17-02)
A Word for Brownsville (11-30-01)
A Word for Chicago (04-07-02)
A Word for Cle Elum, WA. (08-13-00)
A Word for Colorado Springs, CO (10-24-99)
A Word for Cordova, AK. (08-09-00)
A Word for the East Coast (06-12-00)
A Word for England (08-25-00)
A Word for Fairbanks, Alaska
A Word for Georgia (08-29-02)
A Word for Germany (5-20-00)
A Word for Germany in German!
A Word for the Hawaiian Islands (06-03-99)
A Word for Idaho (2-24-01)
A Word for Indiana (08-15-00)
A Word for Ireland (05-20-98)
A Word for Las Vegas (02-06-00)
A Word for Libby, Montana (01-01-02)
A Word for Marysville, WA. (12-15-00)
A Word for the Mid-West (04-27-99)
A Word for Minnesota (5-12-00)
A Word for Nashville, TN.(05-31-02)
A Word for Nashville pt.2 (01-03-03)
A Word for New Mexico (11-23-00)
A Word for the Oregon Territory (8-19-98)
A Word for Paisley, OR. (03-14-01)
A Word for Portland, OR. (02-17-02)
A Word for San Francisco (5-31-00)
A Word to Sandpoint, Idaho (04-20-01)
A Word for Savannah, GA. (03-21-02)
A Word for Texas (06-13-99)
A Word for Tacoma, WA. (5-24-00)
A Word for Tri-Cities, WA.(07-31-02)
A Word for Vermont and New Hampshire
A Word for Washington State (06-22-99)
A Word for the World Prayer Center (05-30-01)
A Word for Yugoslavia (01-25-02)
Acts Chapter 8 (10-20-98)
Acts of the Apostles (article) (08-23-99)
Anchorage Arise! (04-11-00)
Catholics on the Forefront of Final Harvest (02-07-03)
Chaos Before Pentecost (09-12-01)
Cry of the Spirit is Harvest (07-03-99)
Christ in His Distressing Disguise
Cities of America Pt. 1 (10-11-01)
Cities of America Pt. 2 (10-16-01)
Cities of Refuge and the Coming Peril (10-30-05)
Conference to Confrontation (article) (5-18-00)
Convert Your Conference into Outreach and Revival! (Article) (12-09-00)
Destiny Alaska (3-15-00)
Don't Stop at the Burning Bush (09-05-02)
Dragon Slayers! (11-12-99)
Eagles on the Storm (5-21-01)
Earthquakes Are Coming (11-10-99)
East Coast Get Ready! (7-10-00)
Eunuchs of Intercession (04-13-00)
FAVOR is here now! (03-31-07)
Fields of Fire (09-01-01)
Finding God in the Lord of the Rings (11-25-02 - Article)
Fire in the Land! (08-10-00)
Fire Over France (7-20-01)
Fire Over France (In French!)
Fire Over Scotland (08-15-00)
From Oxford to Stanford: My Glory will be Revealed (08-06-01)
Global Tides and Epic Trends (09-13-03)
God is Oiling the Hinges (10-31-04)
Greenland and Lands to the North
Habakkuk's Prayer (Article) (06-28-00)
Harvest is Pending (12-31-01)
Heaven, Hollywood, and History's Greatest Revival (Article) (12-14-00)
Heaven in Hollywood
Hell's Best Kept Secret! (article) (09-01-00)
Hell is Real (Article) (11-07-01)
I Passed Thru
I Am Shouting Over the South! (04-28-05)
Israel and the Presidential Campaign (11-05-00)
Israel is Creating a Tear in Heaven for Harvest (05-08-02)
Israel My Beloved (06-12-00)
It is Time�
It's Time to Shine
Jeremiah: The Heart of the Prophet (article)
Jesus Commands Us to Go (article)
Jesus Still Bleeds
Jonah Comes to America (09-15-01)
Lamentations 2:19 (10-29-98)
Last Days Ministries (05-27-01)
Let My People Go (01-06-99)
Lion of Judah Roars Over the South (7-30-02)
Lions in Sheep's Clothing (07/16/01)
Lions of Revival (article)
Mexico 2000
Mexico 2000 (Translated in Spanish!)
Mexico My Love (10-18-98)
My Daughter China (10-10-98)
My Heart is in India (07-31-02)
My Prophet's in Uniform (04-05-03)
Native America (5-27-00)
Open Heaven's and Extreme Harvest (07-05-06)
Oregon on the Threshold (08-30-00)
Perils Will Come (03-20-99)
Philip! Rise and Go! (02-05-00)
Pillar of Fire Over Portland (07-31-02)
Pray for Russia (10-10-98)
Prepare for War (04-28-99)
Preparing for the Harvest (article)
Preparing to Possess (article)
Prophecy for the Nation
Prophecy Regarding Burns, OR
Proverbs 4:18
Qualifications of a Prophet (article)
Reconnoiter: The Art of War (article) (08-24-00)
Reformation before Revival! (article) (08-27-00)
Repentance, Reconciliation, and Renewal: The Keys of Revival (11-22-00)
Revival Seeds are Coming to the Surface! (09-02-01)
Revival is Waiting in the Streets... (article) (12-07-00)
Revival: Small Town America (08-09-01)
Ring of Fire (Villages of Alaska) (01-15-00)
Song of Deborah (vision)
Street Report! Guns Shots! (03-14-01)
Suddenly in Seattle (06-26-00)
Swine Flu Prophecy (5-15-09)
Thieves in the Night (08-25-01)
The Accumulation of Years of Withholding is About To be Released! (08-07-05)
The Church and the Children (vision)
The Coming Reformation and the New Breed (article) (07-29-03)
The Cross (article)
The Curse of Canaan (05-22-02)
The Eagle, The Raven, and Religion (6-13-01)
The Fast and the Furious (05-23-03)
The Fruit of Revival (article) (08-25-00)
The Gospel According to Jesus
The Great Morocco Revival
The Hammer of Harvest (7-3--02)
The Least of These (01-19-99)
The Lion and the Bear (08-14-00)
The Maelstrom of the New Year (01-11-05)
The Next 3 Days the Stone Will Be Rolled Away (02-22-03)
The Partnering Paradigm (01-21-03)
The Provisioners (07-01-05)
The Punk, The Prostitute and the Prisoner
The Priesthood: Keepers of the Flames of Revival (8--09-02 - Article)
The Prophetic Gap Between Social and Religious Reform (article)
The River is Turning! (09-26-00)
The Stones the Builders Rejected (12-09-98)
The Suicide of Religion (06-04-02)
The Uncomely Parts (10-18-98)
The Value of a Soul (7-01-01)
The Year of the Dragon (05-13-00)
The Vision of the Rabbi (05-13-98)
The Woman at the River of Consequence (03-14-03)
Throw Your Nets On the Other Side (3/19/99)
This Coming Persecution (10-10-02 - article)
Today is the Day of Salvation (08-15-00 - article)
Trumpets Over Ireland (01-05-00)
Vengeance is Mine (05-14-99)
Violence for the Vision (article)
Volatile Times Produce Volatile Vision (04-15-06)
We Cannot Go Back! (12-24-01)
Wisdom for Revival
Witches, Warlocks, and Wiccan's (06-18-01)
Why Revival Still Tarries - (11-21-04)
Women's Aglow: The Spark that Lit the Flame (12-02-09)
Word for the Watchman
You Are My Roar!
Your Weeping Will be Turned to Freedom (03-26-03)
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