by Chad Taylor
"Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you, and
all this people, to the land which I do give to them, even to the children of
Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that I have
given to you, as I said to Moses..." (Joshua 1:2-3).
What once was is now ended and a new day do I declare. Your time of mourning
over past dispensations is over and the dawning of a new day has come. From the
mourning procession of previous revivals a new breed will emerge with a torch of
new beginnings in their hand. They will blaze the road of my return and set the
nations afire with a new vision of their future escaping the gravity of history
and launching into a new understanding of Me. The eyes of the nations will be
enlightened and they will abound more and more in the knowledge of God. As the
world mourns the close of one era a spirit of Philip will arrest this generation
and they will shed the garments of sorrow and go down to Samaria to set the
captives free. They will not mimic or mime their predecessors but will speak a
word in season to a world in crisis. Not only will they be harbingers of
repentance but of hope and mercy as well. They will walk as I walked and they
will only do what they see their Father in Heaven do. The smell of pretense and
pre-planning will not fill My temple any longer but the aroma of a living
sacrifice. Stephen is dead but Philip is still alive!
From this ancient place shall spring forth a new order that will define the
future. A new face will be seen that does not wear the title of Catholicism or
Protestantism but will shine like the face of an angel. They will carry a wisdom
that the world cannot gainsay or rebuke. The seeds of Paul the Apostle shall
come to maturation in these places springing up a harvest unprecedented in
recent times. The foundation of the Apostles and Prophets will hold the weight
of glory that will soon follow the seeds that have fallen to the ground and
died; they will now bear much fruit. Watch the political tides in these places
and you will see My hand shaping and changing the heart of a kingdom. I will
open up the gates and the King of Glory will come in. I will harness the
creative anointing in these places and use it to inspire the hearts of a
generation, they will see a new song and dance the dance of David. A
evangelistic explosion will occur in these providences and kingdoms spurring a
fast work which will open the door to a new era ushering in My appointed and
anointed. They will declare the Word of the Lord with daring boldness echoing
the exploits of Paul and Peter. With this explosion will also come extreme
persecution that will result in riot and mayhem in Rome's streets and squares
but many will be saved and the head of Diana will fall. Many will be the
testimonies from these days and many will be the victories that come from them.
Watch with earnest expectation this apostolic womb.
You have only begun to see the Son and the unfinished work yet to be done in
these notable places and people. I have reserved a special anointing for these 4
years that will set in motion the next 30. I will eclipse all that you have ever
seen or done in the days to come. Do not look back at the former fire and do not
linger at the well of previous experiences but I say climb higher up the
mountain of expectation and view the landscape of My hope and glory. For the
future I have predestined for you is greater than what you have previously seen.
You will hear an amplified voice of righteousness come form the highest seats of
authority as I release angels of government and harvest that have hitherto been
restrained. They will carry My heart into chambers of legislation and law
releasing a standard that will endure for a generation. I will loose you from
the restraint of previous decisions that have brought to this land a curse. I
will take supremacy in the supreme court and the sound of liberty will resound.
A fire has been kindled and the floods of hell cannot put it out. My law will be
exemplified and justified and the highest courts in this land will echo these
This is the year of the prodigal. The smoke of celebration will be seen from the
rooftops as families rejoice from answered prayer. Those that have committed
their hearts to evangelism will be rewarded exceedingly and abundantly more than
they can ask or think. I will now give them the fruit of all their labors says
the Lord of Harvest. Ministries that have aligned themselves with My heart and
have not forgotten the widows and orphans will reap the greater blessing in this
hour. I will expand their borders and strengthen their tent stakes and the
blessings of the Lord shall overtake them. I have reserved the best seat in My
house for the outcast and offscouring of this present world. Many in this hour
will be taken to a lower seat as I promote the poor and destitute into a
position of honor. Those that have humbled themselves under My mighty hand will
now be exalted. Many that have laid claim to destinies and anointing that are
not their own will relinquish them now to the simple and just. These humble
servants returning from the fields of famine will find a signet ring of My
authority and a robe of My glory that will carry them to the uttermost parts of
the earth. I will give the heathen as their inheritance and the nations as their
possession. Watch and see if it isn't so.
I will put my people in a position of proprietorship and ownership; they will
possess the land. They will walk in the footsteps of Barnabas who laid claim to
the apostolic anointing by his obedience to give. I will give the keys of
obedience into the hands of this generation and they will accomplish the greater
works. I will loose the hinges of wealth with the oil of giving in this hour to
open up the windows of Heaven. There will be an abundance that cannot be
contained and yet will have no number because as it increases in so will it be
poured out. A river of resources will flood the land and propel my harvesters
deep into the fields of prosperity. They will be the Barnabas's that equip the
saints for works of service. The poor will be fed, the naked will be clothed and
the prisoner will see a dawning a new light. Facilities will spring up in divers
and sundry places that will accomplish more in a year than all of their
predecessors combined. They will be a beacon of faith to an Egypt in famine
giving from the storehouses of their obedience.
I have not come to bring peace but a sword says the Lord. Some of your most
fierce opposers will be those of your own household. The distinction between the
obedient and malcontent will become clear. No longer will the two abide
together. Harvest will be the decisive force that will bring forth a sifting
which will refine My house. You have tasted the wine but now I will send the
fire. I will purge the House of David and they will find the threshing floor of
My desire. A purity of devotion shall come forth as My servants seek out the
widows and orphans in their affliction. I will be able to say of this generation
of ministers, "I was hungry and you gave Me meat, I was thirsty and you gave Me
drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in. Naked and you clothed Me, I was sick
and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me..." You will know them by
their fruit. My house will be a house of prayer for all nations.
These displaced people will find firm and steady ground in the coming days. I
will open up political favor that has been reserved for such a time as this.
These people native to this land will be a Joseph and will grant guidance in
uncertain times. They will be ambassadors of peace and balance that will turn
the tide of monumental decisions for life and equality. The voice of their
forefathers will be heard once again and I will mark a day of remembrance for
them. I will redeem the time that was lost in their ancestry and the dignity of
their chiefs will once again be heard in the Whitehouse; their voices will be a
voice of reckoning in the highest halls of the land. They will stand before
kings for My names sake. I will restore land and boundaries that have been
dishonorably displaced giving them back a legacy. I will stir the hearts of
those in leadership and high cabinet positions to take up their cause as Esther
did before the king. The giants of political prejudice will finally fall making
way for a new generation of Kings and Priests. Thus opening the flood gates of
restoration reestablishing a nation.
These leaders will be lightning rods of controversy and reformation. I will use
them as I used Daniel to bring about national reform and revival. There will be
an unlikely alliance between these three that will open the windows of Heaven
and re-dig the well of justice. They will be a hammer in my hand as Jeremiah was
to break the hard hearts of unbelief and many will be delivered. I will confound
the wise and justify the weak brining about a decade of liberty that will set
the stage for unprecedented divine opportunity. At this table of world leaders
will be my prophets as well. Those seeking a seat of notoriety and influence
will be disqualified from this position and I will place instead the meek and
unassuming to speak My mind and heart. The humble in this hour will be exalted
and those desiring power and prestige will be broken. Watch the British says the
Lord. Many will try to displace Tony Blair and remove him from his seat, the
seat that I have created for him and like David, Saul will pursue him and even
those in his own household will rise up against him but My will will prevail. I
will raise up mighty men to stand with him these next three years and the hand
of righteousness and justice will prevail in the land. A whirlwind of revival
will be created from the controversy and from the cities of Britain you will
hear rumors of revival and a kindling flame will be started. Watch the royal
house of England, there is a seed of salvation about to burst forth.
The landscape of political intrigue is changing. This year will be marked by
radical transformation in cultural paradigms creating opportunity for change in
impoverished nations setting the stage for economic revival. Out from the ashes
of poverty will emerge an army of intellectual giants that carry My word and
will. I will give them witty inventions and keen insights that set the pace for
a generations of scientists and astronomers that will change the way we view the
world. Like their predecessors they will upset the tyrannical orders that exist
that insist on ignorance and poverty as means of control. This army of spiritual
revolutionaries will bring about economic and educational reform casting down
vain imaginations and science falsely so called. They will set new trends that
will change the face of the future do dramatically you will not recognize what
you see today - tomorrow. They will transcend third world mind sets and sit in
the seat of Joseph and breaking the back of famine. This will create portals of
missionary possibilities thrusting millions into the harvest fields. They will
come with wittyinventions and dramatic daring creating wealth from was once
barren soil. Inventing and recycling what was always there to employ and empower
the famished and outcast.
Ancient gates of prejudice will break, opening the doors of freedom to a
generation once enslaved to ignorance. A wave of inspired teaching will flood
the educational systems of the United States and Great Britain setting a
precedence world wide. I will lift the prisoners from the pit of prejudice and
sit them with kings. They will arise and shine and embrace their destiny because
their light has come. In governments of gross darkness they will be a ensign of
change and reformation. They will lead an army into the promised land of My will
says the Lord. Watch the East the shackles will fall from their feet and they
will sing a new song in Vietnam North and South singing with one mouth. I will
hasten it to come to pass. The anthem of ignorance will be turned into a song of
joy and their mourning into laughter. I will give them beauty for ashes and the
oil of joy for sorrow. Where once was civil unrest and war will be dancing and
singing. I will restore what the canker worm has eaten and the locust have
devoured. Your children's children will eat the fruit of the land. This is the
day of new beginnings and a coming year of completion. You will have come full
circle and a new season will seize you. You will not be who you were in the
coming days and a new vision will lead you.