Ring of Fire

By Chad Taylor 


For I see in this hour a great ring of fire swirling and consuming in Alaska. A great ring of fire like the Northern lights swirling, flashing, illuminating the darkness that seems to prevail. A ring of fire is burning in you O Alaska, one that will burn the dross and the chaff with an unquenchable flame. 


In you is a spark, a flint, in you I will cause this fire to increase. In you I will raise up a remnant that will follow after me . In your youth you will find a seed of revival and harvest, in your children you will find the eternal flame of My love and glory. In the hearts of your people My flame shall burn. The years of famine shall be remembered no more. For the years of plenty are upon you.


In you is an authority to upset and topple the principalities and the darkness that reigns. In you is an apostolic authority to change seats of rulers and kings. In you is the power to bring My glory. Only I would say to you, make yourself humble, take the lowest seat and I will glorify you. Only take the lowest seat. And see My glory.


Ketchikan, you must now say, "YES I CAN! YES I CAN!" I am removing the fear that has ruled your heart. I am removing the fear of death and man, that you can truly stand, and declare, "REPENT AND BE SAVED!" I will use you to bridge the gap between the states. You will raise the banner of peace and they will see it from afar off an come.


Your time of visitation has come! You are not forgotten! I have seen your groaning as woman with no child, but in this hour you will be like the barren woman of Isaiah 54, you will have more children than the fruitful! I will cause you to produce in this hour, your time to reap has come. Your time to reap has come. Spare not, lengthen you cords, your time to reap has come!


I am unveiling my plan to you in this season. My plan for revival and glory. In you Unalaska, Alaska will find elders that know and hear my heart for this land. In you will they sit and break bread and I will give you My counsel of war says the Lord. Counsel of war to set the captives free.


A prophetic oil is in you. A prophetic oil is coming from you. No longer will you be afraid. No longer will you stand at the shore and watch the tide come in and go out. Now is your hour of opportunity. Now is your season to reap. And you will surely reap if you faint not says the Lord. You will surely reap if you faint not.


The wells of your forefathers are now being re-dug. The covenant that I have made with you is now being fulfilled. The dreams and visions of the night will now come to pass. You will be a strength to your neighbors and cup of cold water to your friends. When the winds of adversity blow you will be a bulwark, a fortress, a pillar. 


The curses are being broken. For I have heard the cries of your children, and now I am rising up with vengeance in My heart says the Lord, and I will have no mercy upon those that oppress. For in this hour I am an advocate for the children that wander to and fro in your streets. I will bring them now to My feet. I will set them free. I will set them free.


I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears. They have come as remembrance before Me, now is the time of restitution, now is the time of restoration. I will now give back what the locust have devoured, now I will give back what the birds have devoured. Now is your time of restoration says the Lord.


In you a light is dawning, a new day is upon you. You have labored and brought in little, sowed but reaped less, in this hour I will bring increase on your ground, your houses and your hearts. For some have watered, and others have planted, but it is I now that will bring the increase.


For from you Sitka I will cast a great net, I will draw in the lost and the prodigal in this great net. You will be known as a city of mercy, where the prodigal will run and find the grace of his Father. In you will be a grace that feeds the fire of revival. In you will be mercy that tends its flame.


My fire will be seen in you. You will be a city upon a hill that cannot be hid. Where you have seen death, now you will see life.  Where you have experienced loss, even this last year you have suffered much, but now I will reward your labor of love. Now I will reward your faithfulness with a great harvest of your children, even this year, you shall see your children saved says the Lord.


My voice shall be heard like a roar in you. I will come suddenly to My temple. My enemies will be made my footstool in this hour, and those that have impaired you and hindered you. In this hour you will be like the man at the gate beautiful, you shall leap and jump for what the Lord has done for you!


In this point of the North shall My fire erupt. Like a volcano it shall explode, to fall with its fire upon the coldest parts and the darkest regions. You have heard the rumblings, now you will see the eruption of My glory and power. Even this year, by the time you fish the seas, and mend your nets, you shall see it says the Lord.


You will be a light of hope to your neighbors. You will be a lamp that lights up the whole house. You will be a fire that is kindled and cannot be extinguished. I will show you My love and you will be a bridge to Russia, from you the North lands shall find My Hope.


A village of warriors I have made you! My evangelists and My warriors! It is now time to rise up and go! Now is the time to rise up, to stir yourselves and take My word and power to the land. For in you is a Phillip anointing, you will go to Samaria and demonstrate My glory and power, now is your time to arise and go says the Lord!


I am your El Shadai, your Morningstar, your light in the night says the Lord. I say to you this day, "...after you have suffered awhile, I will PERFECT, ESTABLISH, and SETTLE you..." (1st Peter 5:10). You have resisted the enemy, now you will crush him underneath of your feet says your El Shadai, your Lord Jesus Christ. Now is your time to arise and shine. Now is your time to shine.


You have tasted judgement, now you will taste My grace. The time of judgement has ended, a season of blessing has begun. You will run, and not be weary, walk and not grow faint, in this hour I will give you strength. In this hour I will show you My face.


Now you will see fulfilled every prophecy that has been prophesied. Every promise of Mine that has been promised, now is the day of reckoning, and now you will see all of this come to pass. The visions of your chiefs, and the dreams of your children, you will now see it all come to pass, now you will see this great tree of revival bear much fruit.


You are a wheel within a wheel. Now both will spin with fire. A wheel within a wheel are you. You will spin and shine, you will shine the fire of Mine says the Lord. You will shine this light of Mine. Prepare yourself, for Alaska will come to your gates, only prepare yourself says the Lord, that not even one is turned away.


The time of your increase it at hand. You have labored all night and taken in little. Now I say launch out into the deep of your destiny, and in that place you will take in a great catch. For in you is My foundation that will support the great weight of My glory about to be poured out. In you is the foundation to support this great river now to be released. Prepare your heart, the time of increase has come.


Don't you know My son that I have saved you for such a time as this? Don't you know My Bride that I have prepared you for such a day as this? Never again will you say, 'It is as it was, it will never change..." For in this day I will make a feast in the midst of your enemies, and you will sit down and be glad says the Lord. You will sit down and be glad.


I am removing the reproach, for in this day you shall be called Gilgal, the reproach I am rolling away. In this hour you will cross over to possess the land, the land that I have given you says the Lord, the land that I have given you.


You are a candle in the hand of the Almighty. You are a candle that will shine in a dark place. I will lift you up when others have forgotten you, in this hour the first will be last, and the last first. You have taken the lowest seat, now I will place you in a place of honor says the Lord.


You have cast in a little stone, but I will increase its impact in this hour says the Lord. You have brought Me your few loaves and fishes, I will take them and bless them, and now feed the multitudes. Through you I will feed the multitudes.


In you O Alaska a flame is kindled. It will burn with unquenchable fire. It will be an all consuming fire, and the darkness that has prevailed over you for generations is now broken, I will break it with the hammer of you prayers, the sword of you intercession. I will fuel this flame with the incense of you devotion to My heart. In this hour I will call you My beloved...

"Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages...."  (Song of Solomon 7:11)


Chad Taylor