By Chad Taylor
At approximately 1:05 A.M. Wed. night, (Thursday morning)
March 14th, the Lord prompted me to leave my downtown apartment and walk the
streets of Boise and pray. I exited my apartment around 1:05 A.M. and
hit the sidewalk with bible in hand. A hundred yards away is a square
city block of bars and nightclubs with street vendors and crowds of people that
go from bar to bar. I walked in that direction weaving through
the crowds of young people. I approached a dance club called "6th
& Main." We frequently go into this one particular club to pray
around midnight on Wednesdays when the underage crowd is allowed in.
Tonight was no different, crowds of scantily dressed young people drinking and
dancing. I entered the establishment, walked around to see if I knew any
of the kids, then exited back to the street minutes later.
As I exited the building I ran into one young man I knew
from The Flame outreach. As we talked a crowd began to gather, it was
obvious that there was some kind of conflict between a bunch of the people.
Someone mentioned going to get a gun. Suddenly, not more than 20 ft.
away from where I stood shots rang out. People began to scatter and run.
It seemed endless as the deafening thunder of the gun echoed up and down the
streets. 8 shots were reported fired by police and by-standers
later. One witness I talked to said that the person had the gun, was
pointing it around at the crowd, (the crowd I was standing in
talking!) then suddenly his hand went up into the air and his
gun went off, BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!
Everyone scattered, including myself. I went around
the nearest corner of the building and stood. I looked around as
everyone was frozen in a state of shock. I finally glanced around
the corner, walked across the street and watched as countless police cars
converged on the scene. Yellow police tape was put up around the crime
scene as they collected and searched for evidence. No more than 5
minutes elapsed after I left my apartment that these gun shots went off.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt it was the hand of God who grabbed that
young man's hand and caused his gun to go off into the air. Eight
lives were spared tonight. God is still speaking to me less than an a
hour after this incident. Our presence every day as we walk the streets
of our cities, pushes back the darkness and death resulting in innumerable
lives that are spared.
The Bible talks about "the mystery of
lawlessness is already at work and He who now restrains will do so until He is
taken out of the way..." He who restrains is God, or should I
say, God in us! We usually refer to this scripture reference to
the rapture. Really it can be applied tonight as well. God
restrained that man from killing people! God was in me tonight
as He led me to that exact spot in the line of fire to pray! If "He
is taken out of the way" by us not going out, there is no restraint
for sin and lawlessness. We are the only restraint or barrier toward
evil running rampant in our cities and streets. WE MUST GO OUT AND
I weep tonight as I think of all the children that walk the
streets tonight and will meet their death because there was no restraint.
No witness of His love to divert the bullet, the knife, the devil. My
heart breaks as I think of all the kids who will die tonight even as I write
this report. The cry of the Spirit in this hour is, "Whom shall
we send?! Who will go for us?!" Who will raise a
standard in the streets of America and push back the flood of darkness?
Who will stir themselves from the apathy of modern day religion and count the
cost of the cross? "Deny yourself and follow Me...Love not your
own life even unto death..." If we do not lay our lives down
for Jesus, millions of children will be forced to by bullets, drugs, and
abuse. We MUST raise the standard of our devotion and take the streets
by force! We must stretch out the places of our habitations and possess
our cities! We cannot afford to wait another day to obey this urgent
"I have cried until the tears no longer come; my heart is
broken, my spirit poured out, as I see what has happened to my people; little
children and tiny babies are fainting and dying in the streets.
"Mama, Mama, we want food," they cry, and then collapse upon their
mothers' shrunken breasts. Their lives ebb away like those wounded in
battle..." (Lamentations 2:11-12 -Living