We must persevere at all costs. This is the hour of new beginnings and a season of massive breakthrough. I see a cloud the size of a man's hand in the horizon, I hear a sound of a abundance of rain, an onslaught of souls is marching towards us. They are desperate for the rivers that dwell in our inner most being.
Break up the fountains of the deep Lord and let those rivers flow to the nations, to the streets, to the housing projects that have no Christmas trees. Pour out not just on us Lord, but by all means through us! This is the year of harvest. This is the year that the implosion will become an explosion. We will pour out of the upperoom into the volatile marketplace and see His glory unprecedented.
This is the year that every dark Samaria will be infiltrated by the Body of Christ. Extraction teams will be sent from all points to enter the darkest violent places to set the captives free. No place will be safe from Christian presence and power. Teams from various denominations and movements will partner for harvest. Diversity will mark the next move of God. Methodist will stand with the Vineyard, making reformation and revival. Baptist and Pentecostal will make a holy alliance for the spiritual awakening of their cities and churches. Lutherans and Catholics will find common ground on the streets and bi-ways. In one accord we will take the land.
The generation gap will no longer be a un-crossable gap as young and old partner for revival. Grandpas and grandmas will walk in step with the youth to possess the land. This phenomena will be seen around the world. Ancient divisions between races and nationalities will be erases as we march into the land. Harvest will eclipse the deep issues that have kept us apart. Powerful racial alliances will take place as we enter the fields of the world. A militant mentality will grip the hearts of the church as we count the cost of revival.
Land and buildings will exchange hands overnight. The purposes of the Kingdom will take precedence. What one ministry needs will be provided by another. No one will seek his own but rather the good of others. A supernatural unity will descend from Heaven. Yoking together a conglomerate of ministries and churches into one force and unit. A concentration of forces will occur unlike anything before or ever will be again. Harvest will demand a level of unity never seen or experienced until now.
Great signs and wonders will accompany this advancement. The Hand of the Lord will be outstretched to confirm His strategy and divine purposes. Signs and wonders will become more frequent as the Church unites and enters the great harvest. The uncomely or unnoticed parts will take on a global perspective and reach millions. Common housewives and blue collar workers will take up the vision and impact nations.
A great wonder will be seen. A grace unlike anything ever before will enable the church to open its doors 24 hrs. a day. The harvest will be so great that the local church will be under this anointing day and night. Like an emergency room unit they will tend to the sick and lost from sunrise to sunset. A unity will enable them to do this. Everyone will know their rank and place to minister and disciple the masses pouring in. The Church will become the welfare for the people, the hospital for the critically ill, the refuge for the desperate, the escape for the youth. The church will become the most popular place to be for those seeking Him.
Above all, we cannot turn back. The alarms of Heaven have sounded. The Spirit of quickening has been released, we must redeem the time. At all costs we must throw off the petty issues that separate and segregate. The most vicious enemy to this revival will be jealousy and gossip. Avoid this like the plague. Pray the Lord would put a guard upon our mouth and that His peace would guard our hearts. We cannot afford to be devoured from within. We must be vigilant against those things from without that will try to come in to kill, rob, and destroy. Know this, 2002 will be the beginning of the great harvest prophesied for generations. That time that we have foreseen is upon us. IT IS NOW.