Witches, Warlocks, and Wiccan’s 

 By Chad Taylor


“Many people who practiced magic brought their books together and burned them up in front of everyone, and they counted the price of them, it was estimated at 50,000 thousand pieces of silver…” (Acts 19:19).

In this hour says the Lord I am sending flaming arrows of My presence and power into the darkness.  Into the gross darkness where they practice in secret I will now infiltrate.  In those very places My glory will now be declared and many will be converted.  The prayers of the saints will disturb the sacrifice and upset the seats of principalities.  The smoke of their incantations will be blown away by the wind of My Spirit says the Lord.

 Even in this hour I am sending My spies into Canaan to begin to take back the fruit that was intended for My people.  They will begin to possess the spiritual landscape that has been covered over by the darkness of this present world.   They will invade the very places that the prince of the air has occupied.  No dark place will be safe from My presence and power says the Lord.  Hell will have no peace.  Hell will have no peace.

 Intercessors will now begin to take back the land.  Not only in prayers and intercessions; but by occupation.  I will give them the keys of their cities and they will 'occupy till I come.'  I will send them into brothels and barrios, bars and taverns, ghettos and gutters.  They will shine the torch of My love and by no means shall the enemy harm them.  They will trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.  I will give them favor in the high places as well as the low.  They will take the poor out of the dung hills and sit them with princes.

 In this hour a vanguard of prophetic evangelists will begin to possess the buildings and places once used for the devil.  The inner city will no longer be a den of thieves but a house of prayer for all nations says the Lord.  A house of prayer for all nations.  My people will begin to break down the walls of fear that keep My church from influencing and impacting the world around them.  Like Phillip, they will now invade every Samaria with My authority and power.  No dark place will be safe says the Lord.  No dark place will be safe.

 Pastors and Shepherds will now begin to pastor and protect the ones that are lost.  They will leave the ninety-nine for the ones that are left for dead on the side of the road.  I will raise up pastors and shepherds that will pastor the inner city and the Samaria’s of the world.  They will leave behind the massive complexes for the storefronts and city streets.  They will leave houses and land for the gospel's sake but will be restored a hundred fold both in this life and the one to come.  They will shepherd revival says the Lord.  They will shepherd revival.

 In this hour I will raise up Apostles with the heart of David.   They will wage war against the principalities and strongholds that rule the land.  They will lay a foundation where no other man has built.  They will become all things to all men to save some.  They will not only occupy king’s courts and banisters, but the hi-ways and bi-ways as well.  They will slay the lions and bears of the land and set the captives free.  They will establish a precedence of salvation and evangelism says the Lord.  A precedence of salvation and evangelism. 


 Chad Taylor